AgiLAB & Eureka System

Expertise and experimentation supporting teaching

Orientation and practical training for ITS and schools

AgiLAB is the ideal place to inspire and train the next generation of industry professionals.

Through interactive and customised courses, we encourage the growth of figures capable of driving innovation: people ready to imagine, design and transform the future, exploiting the most advanced technologies in conscious and creative ways.

Internships & Workshops

We offer intern opportunities for technical experts and developers who want to deepen their skills in Smart Factories, Industrial Automation, and Digital Transformation.

Our internships combine theory and practice, allowing you to work on innovative projects and acquire concrete skills directly in the field.

ITS technical schools


We believe in the importance of supporting the formation of future professionals and offering young people practical tools to structure their educational and professional growth better.


Thanks to AgiLAB, we put experimental projects that combine theory and implementation into practice. Students acquire theoretical skills and innovative methodologies during the school-to-work alternation courses, enriched by new relational and cognitive approaches.


The best way to explore the opportunities offered by AgiLAB is by visiting our laboratory. Open days allow direct interaction with the most advanced technologies of Industry 4.0 and 5.0, accompanied by our automation experts.


AgiLAB is an open space for collaboration. Schools and universities can use our R&D areas and shared spaces to deepen their technical knowledge and improve their know-how through direct contact with experts and advanced technologies.

& Workshops


Our lab is a state-of-the-art technology hub that integrates the latest Industry 4.0 technologies and promotes a practical understanding of the Smart Factory paradigms.
With AgiLAB, we offer first-hand direct contact with the corporate world geared towards building solid professional skills and a collaborative mindset based on teamwork.

  • The aim is to provide trainees with practical tools to
  • broaden their specific technical knowledge
    increase their skill levels,
  • develop a result-oriented work methodology.

Participants are immersed in experimental collective projects with high innovation content, where individual commitment and teamwork aim to achieve common goals.


AgiLAB Academy represents a bridge between the school and corporate worlds, offering the possibility of discovering and enhancing one’s aptitudes during the alternation School-Work path.
This space fosters dialogue between school and enterprise, using the language of computer design and automated systems management as a learning vehicle. Students participate in concrete and targeted activities, developing various skills:

  • problem-solving,
  • meeting deadlines,
  • creative collaboration with experienced professionals.

AgiLAB Academy encourages an experimental and shared approach, where students get involved to acquire essential skills to face the challenges of their future work.

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Let's create a high-tech training programme together

Describe your educational project or an idea you would like to turn into a project.